Club Testings

Please click for details of the Tigers Academy Testing ProcessUnder Black Belt Testing Process and Black Belt Testing Process

Scroll down for testing booking links

We encourage all students to test at every testing because testings are all about giving it a go, rather than achieving the next belt.

All students are ready to test if they are ready to do their best (irrespective of what they remember or how long they’ve been training)!

Junior Testing

The next club testings will take place over the weekend of 13th to 15th December at CMAC.

Please note that as a result there will be no classes 6-9pm on Friday 13th December or 9am-12pm on Saturday 14th December. 4-6pm Friday Classes will go ahead as normal.

To apply to test, please click on the relevant link below.

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT DEADLINE – Sunday 8th December 2024

Black Belts/DBNs: please also click on the testing links to let us know which testings you are able to support in, by the early bird discount deadline. Each testing has a judging ticket for this.


Fees are non-refundable

£20 (£10) per testing – Tigers Academy

£25 (£15) per testing – White Belts to Brown Belts

£30 (£20) per testing – Black Belts and Black Belt Candidates

Participants take part for the whole time slot.

Private Testings are possible if members are unable to make the Club Testings. Please follow the booking process as detailed HERE.

Friday 13th December:

Our SEN Specific Testing is a smaller testing, with lower noise levels, and a low sensory environment.

Testing 1: SEN Specific – 18:00-18:55 

Testing 2: Adult/Youth (11+) Current White/Yellow/Blue/Red/Brown Belt – 19:00-21:00

Saturday 14th December:

Testing 3: Junior (11 and under) Current Yellow/Blue/Red/Brown/DBN (Brown Belt with Double Black Stripe) – 09:00-10:55

Testing 4: Tigers Academy – 11:00-11:40

Testing 5: Junior (11 and under) Current White & Yellow Stripe Belt – 11:45-13:15

Testing 6: ALL AGES Black Belt & 11+ DBN (Brown Belt with Double Black Stripe) – 14:00-17:00

Sunday 15th December:

Testing 7: Tigers Academy – 09:00-09:40

Testing 8: Junior (11 and under) Current White & Yellow Stripe Belt – 09:45-11:15